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Baby Stickers & Decals

Celebrate your little one with our fun baby decals! Our baby girl and boy stickers feature dozens of fun and creative designs you and your family will love.

Baby Room Wall Decals

Newborn babies aren’t just adorable, they’re a wonderful gift that many couples have the pleasure of being given. Each year there are nearly 4 million babies born in the U.S. alone. Most of these families own and drive a vehicle which can be dangerous for a small child. Over the decades millions of parents have used the “Baby on Board” sign on their car as a way to increase the caution of other drivers in order to keep their baby safe.

Whether you’re looking for a creative and fun way to alert other drivers that you have a baby on board or just want to share your joy of having a child, our baby decals and stickers are a great way to do just that. We have a large collection of adorable baby girl and boy sticker designs to choose from. They’re very popular as bumper stickers and custom decals but you can also use them in your home or for education purposes.

Each baby sticker and decal is made with high quality, durable vinyl material that will last for several years. The material is waterproof and resistant to harsh weather conditions for use outdoors. Many of the designs are customizable and custom sizes are also available to fit your needs. These baby stickers for cars can be applied to any clean, smooth surface and won’t damage paint or other surfaces when removed.